Thursday, November 15, 2012

Just be Me

Sometimes I create a piece because it's something I saw in a class. Sometimes it's an idea I found on Pinterest. Sometimes I want to try a new technique and sometimes I'm really inspired because I want to say something to someone I love. I love creating girls for people. I love creating layers of love through words and pictures. 

But sometimes when I'm really lucky I have a whole canvas come into my head. I guess this girl is so special because it was something I needed to say to myself. 

It had been a long week, a long day of changing diapers, wiping runny noses, and cleaning the house, and yes I was still in my sweats. 

I love going out to eat on Friday nights. It's so nice to get out of the house. I put on a really cute outfit. Loaded up the girls and went to our favorite place to eat. I even brought an art book I've been wanting to look at. 

The girls colored and ate and I enjoyed a minute to just be me. It felt so good. 

I want to give everything I have to my children. To be the very best mom I can. And sometimes I feel like "me" gets a little lost. And that's ok, I am happy to sacrifice and give and work hard for my children because I love them so much. They mean everything to me. 

But sometimes it's nice to put on a pretty dress, do my hair, take a deep breath, and get to...

just be me. 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Finding my Inspiration

My husband surprised me with a fun trip up to Breckenridge. I was so excited to spend some time together and to get some new creative inspiration. I carried my camera around with me every where and told Tyler that I was on a photography field trip! I took pictures of everything! I was totally in love with all the fall colors and I can't wait to go paint some fall inspired pieces. 

Isn't this house cool with the pink and teal?? 

I was totally inspired by the aspens with the fall colors against the blue sky.

Isn't this a cool clock?

I have been to this fun store before and knew they had cute handmade things. It's called Magic Scraps. What I wasn't expecting to find was a whole bunch of mixed media pieces. 

Have any of you heard of Kelly Rae? I hadn't and instantly fell in love. I loved the different way these girls were portrayed. They were beautiful and inspiring and different then anything I had tried before.  

I bought some cards and quickly found myself on her website. I could have spent hours on there. I love her gallery, her jewelry and her story. I was so inspired by how she is a "possibilitarian" and believes in the possibilities. I found myself wishing and hoping and full of a new determination to become a mixed media artist. I don't know where this journey will take me, but I want to go. 

As I had a quiet moment one night I wrote in my journal some of thoughts and feelings and I want to share them with you...

"I can dream big. Where will this journey take me? I find my heart is drawn more and more towards art. It is speaking to me. It's calling to me. It's speaking to my heart. I love it. I never thought of art being healing for the receiver as well as for me. I want to share my art. I see so many people out there in the art community and I want to be a part of it. I wonder if it will ever happen for me. 


I am pleased with the choices I have made in my life. I love being a mom. I am busy and my life is unpredictable, full of exhausting giving, a lot of work, and full of peace and joy. I've never worked so hard and I have never been so happy. I love my girls with all my heart. They truly are a piece of me and they are worth every sacrifice. I'm happy with the road I've taken, but where will I go next? How will I get there and juggle the challenges of raising small children too?

When I start to feel small and discouraged I remember that my Heavenly Father loved me and I can trust in him because He will never leave me alone. I have gotten countless answers to prayers. I need to always remember to have patience and faith. My dreams will come true with time and so many of them have already come true. I always wanted to be a mom when I grew up and I am. My life is good. I am doing the right work. I love with all my heart and through the sacrifice and work and selflessness, I am happy. 

I just need to believe in myself and make that leap."

As I thought and reflected on my art journey, I realized that I have everything I need. I've always struggled with finding the time and competing with people who don't have children. But my children are my biggest inspiration. It's true that as I type this, my baby is rolling around at my feet babbling away. My toddler is begging for her blanket that is in the wash, and my little girl is at my arm, asking if she can play on the computer now. (smile) lol. I need to work harder to make my dreams come true, but I don't want this part of my life to pass me by. I am doing the right work. My is good, it is soooo good and I'm going to love every moment. I am going to let my children be my inspiration. I'm going to have patience and faith and see where this journey takes me. I am excited for the journey.